COVID-19 Coronavirus
Inaccurate information circulating regarding special ‘rescue packs’ for patients with pre-existing respiratory conditions
Prior to the coronavirus outbreak we had a very small number of patients with COPD (not asthma) that were eligible for a rescue pack of antibiotics and steroids. These patients had been appropriately assessed and counselled by healthcare professionals.
We will NOT be issuing any rescue packs to new patients during this crisis. If anyone has potential coronavirus, if they are unwell enough to require antibiotics they will need to be assessed appropriately (online, on the phone and if required face to face). For this reason it is NOT SAFE for us to issue new patients with medication “just in case” you fall unwell.
We have been inundated with requests by well patients with COPD/asthma for a rescue pack antibiotics and steroids due to this incorrect information. This is slowing our response to those who need us most. Please remove this incorrect information from your threads and inform others who have also shared it.
Please do not contact your GP practice for a rescue pack.
You should continue to manage your condition in the usual way and if you feel you have symptoms of COVID-19, go to before doing anything else.
Many thanks,
Oakfield Surgery